Good Morning Congin Cougar Families,
Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone has been having a great week so far! Our cougars have been busy getting back into the swing of things, and it's an exciting time for us as staff as we assess students to see how much academic growth they have had! Here are some updates for this week:
It's an early release day! Students will be dismissed at 2:30 today.
We have some incredible teachers at Congin. Are you interested in nominating your child's teacher for Maine Teacher of the Year 2025? Did you know that parents can also nominate teachers? If you are interested in nominating a teacher,
here is the link. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Reader's Theater and Game Club are up and running. Thank you to all of the volunteers who are helping with these clubs. The students are having a great time. Please remember that Reader's Theater is on Tuesdays and pick up is at 4:30. Game Club is on Thursdays with a pick up of 5pm.
Permission slips are out for 3rd and 4th grade students who are interested in Game Club. These permission slips are due this Friday. We can only accept 20 students, so if we get more than 20 permission slips, we will choose students randomly. I will notify families next week if your child will be able to participate in game club.
Registration for Girls on the Run starts February 1st. Girls on the Run will be available for any 3rd or 4th grade girl who is interested in not only running, but also learning how to be a leader. I have attached the flyer and we will also be sending home a flyer. Please let me know if you have any questions.
We will have no school on Monday, January 20th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Our office will also be closed.
Grades close on Friday, which means report cards will be sent home next Friday, January 24th.
If your child goes to Westbrook Learns and there are any pickup changes, please make sure to notify our administrative assistant, Stacy Symbol, and Westbrook Learns. There has been confusion from Learns when students are not there, and it will be helpful if you also communicate any changes with them.
We have also had an increase in tardies. Please make sure students get to school before 8:40 each day.
Additionally, since coming back to school from break, our attendance is at 92.66%. This is extremely low, especially compared to previous years. Please make sure to be sending your child to school every day, as this is something that the state looks at when evaluating our school performance.
Don't forget that the ABCs of Racism: Fostering conversations and action about race and justice with kids is on January 21st at 5:30pm for any family that would like to attend.
Explore the Stars with Northern Stars Planetarium will be at Westbrook Middle School on January 28th at 5:30! Come be outside with other Westbrook families as we learn more about the stars in our sky.
Join our community conversation about how our school budget is developed. The first conversation is at Saccarappa School on January 30th from 5:30-7:00pm. A spaghetti dinner will also be served starting at 5:00. The second conversation will be at Westbrook High School on February 1st from 9:00-10:30. A pancake breakfast will be served starting at 8:30!
We are gearing up for the class of 2038 and our next year's kindergarteners! Help spread the word to our community! Our kindergarten orientation will be on February 27th at 6pm in the Congin Cafeteria. This is a great time to understand the registration process and what a kindergarten day looks like. We will also be having kindergarten screenings on March 27th and 28th.
This means that our current kindergarten students will NOT have school on March 27th and March 28th.
It's a great day to be a cougar!
Marc Bisson
Congin School