Good Morning Congin Cougar Families,
I hope you are all having a great week back after our February break! Our cougars came back to school nice and rested and have settled back into routine. Here are some updates for this week:
It's Wednesday, which means it is an early release day! Students will be released starting at 2:30.
Our cougars are still working on earning their healthy hearts. Students came in with an abundance of healthy hearts after February break, so we are excited to see that students kept up with our theme over break, and thank you to the families who kept the theme alive at home! We have a goal of 500 hearts by the end of the day on Friday!
Next week, we will be rolling out our new theme of perseverance at our assembly!
Kindergarten orientation is tomorrow at 6:00pm in the Congin cafeteria. This is for all families wanting information for their child entering kindergarten next year. After tomorrow, registration on our school and district website will open up! Please let us know if you have any questions.
Remember that kindergarten screening will be on March 27th and 28th. That means
kindergarten students will have no school on these days.
City Clerk Ellis Ledoux will be coming to Congin on Thursday to meet with our 4th grade students. He is going to discuss the importance of voting, and students will be voting to name the new town mascot for city voting!
This Saturday is our Glow Dance being put on by our amazing PTO. The Glow Dance will be happening at Congin School in the gym from 1-3pm. Come enjoy good music and activities all under the glowing lights. Students that attend MUST be accompanied by an adult, so please make sure to stay with your child. Additionally, this is only open to current Congin students. We hope to see you there!
Ramadan is happening this month! During Ramadan, Congin will provide school breakfast and lunch as take-home meals for students who are fasting.To sign up for the month of take-home meals for your student, please complete the form attached
here. Meals will be given to students at the end of the school day and are free, including the entree, milk, and pre-selected sides. Please fill out this survey by Friday.
Spring Picture Day will be taking place on March 7th. All students will be having their picture taken and you will be sent proofs of the pictures. If you like the picture, you will then be able to order.
Meteorologist Ted McInernery from WMTW will be coming to Congin for Weather at your school on March 12! All Congin students are invited with their families to come to the broadcast starting at 5:45am, and it will end around 7am.
Just a reminder that we will have a PD Day for staff on March 14th, so students will have no school.
It's a great day to be a cougar!
Marc Bisson
Congin School