Last week, we had our first whole school assembly of the school year! The assembly was the kick-off event for our PBIS initiative. The students learned about being Safe, Ready, and Respectful and were introduced to our school-wide positive reinforcement system. Within this system, students who are caught demonstrating Safe, Ready, and Respectful behaviors are given star stickers. Every star sticker gets the school closer to earning a Whole School Star Celebration! Our next whole school celebration will be a Playground Party! If your child comes home with a star sticker, praise them for being Safe, Ready, and Respectful at school.
Saccarappa School is in our second year partnering with Maine PBIS on this initiative. PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. PBIS is a process for creating school environments that are predictable and effective for achieving academic and social goals. A key strategy of the PBIS process is prevention. The PBIS model is research-based and supported by the federal Department of Education. The tiered approach to support helps reduce problem behavior as a barrier to student achievement.
To make Saccarappa School an even COOLER place, the PBIS team sends Culture and Climate surveys to families, staff, and students to determine areas of strength and areas of need. We do this twice a year, and the input we receive helps guide our work. Our fall survey is currently open until October 15th. Please click on the link below to share your input.
We are Safe, Ready, and Respectful at Saccarappa School... BECAUSE WE'RE COOL!